The Second attempt on making a macaron tower.. I wouldn't think it's very delicate but the whole scene looks pretty cool!
What do you think?
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Wouldn't hide the fact that my first attempt on making the tower was a disaster.
LOLZ!!! This looks terrible, I wouldn't actually wanted to take a picture of it but I think.. maybe you might want to take a look on my FAIL products, don't you? ^~^ I believed everyone failed many times on their way to perfection.
Besides taking pictures of my success one, I have something wanted to share with you.
(half of suceed, my dad&mum said I need to work on my coloring, which is very true as I use a ''not so good'' oil color for my clay, I think I might need to buy a Japan brand oil paint.)
It is a really good question asked. I actually have no idea, but I think no matters what happened, BE POLITE is the best way for a seller to do.
I'm telling you guys this becuase I recently faced a pretty hard situation...
I think I should just tell -Customer A- that....
that.... that.... I'd love to do a custom made order and I really like -A- idea on the scene, However, as my custom made order only design for a whole scene. Thus I apologize that I couldn't take your request..
IS THAT OKAY? ... Opps ... I think I should think about it again.